Why is it Always Me?

Why? Why?

Mitchel Berries
2 min readJul 26, 2024
https://<Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash>

I’m always the one trying to make things right, pushing to find solutions, seeking forgiveness even when I’m not at fault. I carry others' burdens, though no one can bear mine for even a moment. I listen to their struggles, but no one hears mine. It’s always me, but why?

I feel like a shadow in their lives, invisible and unnoticed. No one cares about me during happy times or knows my likes and dislikes. No one asks what hurts me or tries to understand me. My suggestions fall on deaf ears, and my presence goes unnoticed. I'm a shadow, always there but never seen.

I crave unconditional love, care, and understanding, but it's not reciprocated. I smile and pretend everything is okay, but it's not. My silence doesn't mean I agree, and my tears don't mean I'm weak. I'm overwhelmed with emotions, but I have no one to share them with.

Time may heal wounds, but mine cut too deep. I long for a best friend, a sister, a family, but it seems that’s not my destiny. Still, I’ll stand strong and face my pain. I won’t let the fear of being unloved consume me. I hold onto hope that someday I’ll find a path leading me to the love I crave.


