Mitchel Berries
2 min readAug 12, 2024

“the world seems empty, though it has many”

Photo by Karol Smoczynski on Unsplash

I’m drowning in an ocean of emptiness, suffocating under the weight of my own solitude. Every breath is a reminder that I’m still alive, still trapped in this prison of loneliness.

My days blend together in a never-ending cycle of pain. I wake up to an empty room, the silence deafening. I'm forced to confront the mirror, where a hollow shell of a person stares back at me. Eyes sunken, skin pale, soul crushed.

I try to fill the nothingness with distractions, but they only echo the silence. Maybe I’m a ghost haunting my own life, invisible and insignificant. My voice is a whisper, lost in the wind.

I yearn for human touch, for a gentle hand to hold, for a warm embrace to console my aching heart. But it’s just a distant memory, a fading dream.

My mind is a battlefield, where pain feasts on my sanity. I’m a prisoner of my own thoughts, tormented by the darkness. I’m searching for a glimmer of hope, but it’s extinguished by the crushing weight of my loneliness.

I'm breaking, shattering into a million pieces. My heart is a heavy burden, weighed down by the pain. I'm screaming, but my voice is silenced by the emptiness.

I’m dying, slowly, painfully, silently. My soul is withering away, like a flower deprived of sunlight. I’m a shadow of my former self, simple specter of what I once was.

But still, I hold on to the hope that someday, someone will hear my silent screams, will see the tears I’ve cried, will feel the pain I’ve endured.

Until then, I’m trapped in this abyss of loneliness, forever lost in the darkness.