Maybe Every Rich Has a Tragic Life To Tell

Why on earth did it have to happen to me?

Mitchel Berries
2 min readJul 12, 2024
Photo by Lucas Andrade on Unsplash

Thought life is a smooth run -but no it isn’t. I remember when I used to look at the successful and rich thinking it’s all easy. But by then I also forgot that every one has a story to tell.

“Behind every successful wealthy man their is a tragic story to tell” That’s the best motive I lean against every time I feel like withdrawing, loosing, giving up .

Life is throwing many rocks my way. Am stuck along the middle of this rough journey turning my head north and south wondering whether I should follow which. Maybe go north — continue to pass through the rough rock till the end , or maybe south — withdraw and go back to where I were. But no,, I can’t give up . I know that I can still win maybe all this is what I will also tell as my tragic history when I become successful some day.

I say “Life threw many hard rocks towards my way but I never gave up, passed through a garden of only bitter lemons but I still never gave up, walked through the darkest days but again I never gave up, until today when all the hard rocks turned into very tiny stones making a smooth path for me, all the bitter lemons produced sweet lemonade cooling my thirst through the day and all the darkest days vanished throwing me into the finest and brightest days of my life” I wish all this should perish and one day, at atime I can stand bold, confident and free to say all this to the weakened.

But it’s okay. Maybe I need not to give up today, let me wait a little more . Tomorrow might change our “maybe” into “exactly” who knows.

I wish life can show me its soft side just for a second because hard ships are shattering my hearts into pieces that will be lost and not found any other time.

